Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article deals with topics of interest to the Psychological discipline and complies with the indications for authors detailed in the Journal's policies.

  • The article is in Word format and does not record any sign or information regarding the identity of the authors.

  • The metadata of the submission are complete and include information on all authors of the manuscript.

  • The article declares the non-existence of possible conflicts of interest with state or private organizations that may be affected or in an irregular situation by the contents, results or conclusions of the article.

  • The text complies with each of the guidelines stated in the indications for authors, according to the typology of the article.

  • The article has been prepared and approved by each of the authors prior to submission.

  • The article includes an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese, without headings or subheadings (minimum: 230 words; maximum: 250 words).

  • Entre los autores del artículo hay al menos un investigador con formación posgradual (p.e. maestría, doctorado),

  • Compliance with the citation and referencing indications has been reviewed in detail following the guidelines of the APA Standards and it has been verified that only those that have been cited in the text are included in the manuscript.

  • It is an original contribution that has NOT been submitted in parallel to another journal and is not published, partially or totally, in any other publication.

  • The manuscript includes between 4 and 6 keywords (in Spanish, English and Portuguese), with the most significant standardized terms associated with the study topics.

Author Guidelines


Before submitting an article to the Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología (RIP), authors should ensure that their manuscript complies with the following guidelines:

- The manuscript, in accordance with its methodological orientation and typology, follows the specific indications indicated in the specific article guidelines:


- This is an original contribution that has NOT been submitted in parallel to another journal and is not published, in part or in full, in any other publication.

- The article is in Word format and does not register any sign or information regarding the identity of the authors.

- The article uses a standard typeface throughout the manuscript, in any of the following fonts: Calibri 11; Arial 11; Lucida Sans Unicode 11; Times New Roman 12: Georgia 11; Constantia 12; Garamond 12.

- The article uses 2.0 spacing (1.0 for abstracts) and 2.5 cm margins on each side, on letter size paper.

- The article has been prepared and approved by each of the authors prior to submission.

- The article includes an attractive and specific title in the original language of the article of a maximum of 30 words, centered at the top of the page.

- The article includes an abstract in Spanish, English and Portuguese, without headings or subheadings (minimum: 230 words; maximum: 250 words).

- The manuscript includes between 4 and 6 key words (in Spanish, English and Portuguese), with the most significant standardized terms associated with the topics of the study. It is recommended that the APA ( or UNESCO ( thesaurus be used as a guide for selecting keywords.

- Authors should verify that the citations used in the text are correctly consigned in the References section and that, likewise, each referenced work is cited in the body of the document. In any case, the indications of the APA Norms (7th edition) should be followed.

- Among the authors of the article there is at least one researcher with postgraduate training (e.g., master's degree, doctorate).

- All components of the manuscript (including tables, figures and appendices) should follow the APA style guidelines for Tables and Figures, and be included in the manuscript, in editable format. They should also be attached as supplementary files to the manuscript (in Excel or PNG format).

- The manuscript must fully comply with the form, content, idiomatic, argumentative and stylistic conditions of a scientific article and indicated by the APA Standards in their last update (7th edition).

- Abbreviations should be defined in the first mention and used consistently thereafter.

- Footnotes may be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. Footnotes in the text should be numbered consecutively.

- Each of the references included in the paper should include the Location Link (URL) or DOI.

Manuscripts that do not meet any of these criteria will be returned to the authors prior to the external peer review process.


The Journal publishes scientific papers in Spanish, Portuguese or English, which comply with precision and detail with the indications stated for each of the following typologies:


Length: between 5,000 and 7,500 words excluding abstract and references.

It presents, in detail, original results of concluded empirical research, in which methodologically rigorous and conceptually sound procedures are presented, and which generate novel contributions to the discipline. Before submitting their manuscript, authors are advised to consult the information contained in the Guidelines for Quantitative Studies and the Guidelines for Qualitative Studies 


Length: between 4,000 and 7,000 words, not including abstracts or references.

It presents the results of documentary research where the main findings and research trends recorded in articles published in recognized databases that address specific topics are analyzed, systematized and exposed. It is characterized by a careful review of the published scientific production and by the exposition of the main research trends on a specific topic. It is recommended to follow the principles of the PRISMA statement for the publication of systematic reviews and meta-analyses and the information contained in the Guidelines for Review Studie.

NOTE: The editorial team of the Journal wishes to inform that the number of review articles published per issue may not exceed 30% of the total number of articles included in the annual production of the journal.


Length: between 3,000 and 6,000 words, not including abstracts or references.

For this type of studies, the definition of Montero and León (2002) is taken as a reference, who point out that instrumental studies are those aimed at the development of tests and devices, both at the level of design and adaptation. The authors can consult the Guidelines for Instrumental studies.


Length: between 5,000 and 8,000 words excluding abstract and references.

This type of article presents the results of theoretical and conceptual reflections developed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective. Its main objective is the defense of novel theses and interpretations that may contribute to traditional and emerging debates in cognitive and behavioral sciences. The manuscript should be based on original sources and have a propositional character, taking into account that theoretical reflection contributes to the production of new knowledge based on theoretical and experimental evidence. The realization of this type of article requires following the APA norms applicable to all types of articles in psychology. The structure of the reflection article will respond to the argumentative development given by the author.

However, it should consider the inclusion of the elements indicated in the Guidelines for Reflection articles.

NOTE: The Journal's editorial team is pleased to inform that the number of reflection articles published per issue may not exceed 30% of the total number of articles included in the annual production of the journal.


Once the authors have ensured that all the above conditions have been met, they may submit their articles following the indications below:

- Authors should download the manuscript submission letter form and send it duly signed and filled in (together with the anonymized manuscript). There they should certify that among the authors of the article there is at least one professional with a proven academic background and postgraduate research training.

- Authors should submit the manuscript through the OJS platform (together with the manuscript submission letter), without any information that would allow the identification of the authors and ensuring compliance with the Instructions for Authors.

- To submit an article, authors must create an account on the Journal's OJS platform, activating the author role.

Indications   regarding   the   handling   of references

The references correspond to the list of sources consulted for the article and cited in the text. They facilitate the reader to locate the sources to complement the information, if required. Authors are encouraged to use the reference managers, in order to facilitate the location and citation of the cited works.

This list should be included at the end of the article organized alphabetically following the international standards of the APA Publication Manual (6th edition, 2010).

The general guidelines for the presentation of references are:


Book with an author:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. Editorial.

Book with an Editor:

Last name, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title. Editorial.

Book in an electronic online version:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title.

Book in electronic DOI version:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Title. DOI: xx.xxxxxxxx

Chapter of a book:

Last name, A. A., & Last name, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or entry. In A. A. Last name. (Ed.), book title (pp. Xx-xx). Editorial.


Periodic Publications

Scientific journal article with DOI:

Last name, A. A., Last name, B. B., & Last name, C. C. (Date). Article title. Journal name, volume (number), pp-pp. DOI: xx.xxxxxxx

Printed scientific journal article:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Article title. Journal name, volume (number), pp-pp.

Online scientific journal article:

Last name, A. A. (Year). Article title. Journal name, volume (number), pp-pp.

From a printed newspaper, basic form:

Last name A. A. (Year, Day, Month). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pp-pp.

From an online newspaper, basic form:

Last name  A.  A.  (Year,  Day,  Month).  Article title.  Name  of  the  newspaper,


Printed Journal article (Journal):

Last name, A. A. (Year, Month, Day). Article title. Journal name, volume (number), pp-pp.

Online Journal article (Journal):

Last name A. A. (Year, Day, Month). Article title. Journal,

Other types of text

Corporate author reports:

Organization name.    (Year).    Report title    (Publication number).

Authorship report:

Author, A., & Author, A. (Year). Report title (Report number).


Symposiums and conferences:

Author, A., & Author, A. (Month, Year). Title of the presentation. Title of the symposium or congress. Symposium or conference held at the congress Name of organization, Venue.


Author, A., & Author, A. (Year). Thesis title (Undergraduate, master's, or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Place.

From pages on websites:

Last name, A. A. (Date). Page title. Place of publication: Publishing house. Address where the document was extracted (URL or DOI).


Surname,  A.  (Publication Year).  Title of the work  (edition)  [Medium used].  Place of publication: Publishing house.

Online Encyclopedia:

Last name,  A.  (Year)  Title of the article.  Encyclopedia  title  [Medium  used].  Place  of publication: Publishing house, URL

Texts to Consult (References)

Javeriano           Writing           Center.           (2011).           APA           rules.  ritura/Recursos%20C.E/Estudiantes/Referencia%20bibliogr%C3%A1ficas/Normasapa.pdf

Modern Manual. (2010). American Psychological Association Publication Style Manual (2nd ed.). Editorial Manual Moderno.