Problematic Internet Use and its Relation to Anxiety and Depression in Puerto Rican Adults
Uso problemático del Internet y su Relación con Ansiedad y Depresión en Adultos Puertorriqueños
Main Article Content
The aim of this research was to find out how much time the participants spend connected to the Internet, which device they use the most, and in which activities they spend their time while using the Internet. It was evaluated whether there are correlations between the Problematic Internet Use Scale (EUPI-6) and sociodemographic data and the Generalized Anxiety (GAD-7) and Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8) questionnaires. We also explored whether there are differences between the gender of the sample according to the instruments. Finally, we explored whether the EUPI-6 serves as a moderating/mediating variable for the other variables. The sample was composed mostly of women (80.6%). A non-experimental cross-sectional exploratory-descriptive design was used. The main findings indicate that 30% of the participants consumed two to three hours on the Internet, and there was a significant correlation between the scales. It was also observed that there were differences between gender and scale scores. Finally, it was observed that problematic internet use does not moderate the relationship between anxiety and depression in the sample of participants. However, it partially mediates the relationship between anxiety and depression in the participants. We hope that this research will open the way to explore this phenomenon and its effects further in children and adolescents and that it will serve for mental health professionals to include it in their evaluation processes, using the EUPI-6 scale, with the creation of protocols and public policy in order to maximize the quality of life and optimal use of the Internet.
Keywords: Problematic Internet Use; Cyberpsychology; Depression; Anxiety, Depression, Internet.
Article Details
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