La argumentación dialógica: Tres ejemplos en diferentes momentos de desarrollo

The dialogical argumentation: three illustrations in different moments of development

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Dra. Nadia Soledad Peralta
Dra. Florencia Mareovich
Dr. Mariano Andrés Castellaro

Argumentation is a social situation that allows individuals to elaborate arguments for or against a certain position and to recognize, evaluate and consider both their points of view and their mates’. As a result, the cognitive benefit is undoubtedly unlimited, allowing even the epistemic change and the negotiation of sense with others. The article aims to illustrate how the category "argumentative episode" appears at different times. Three examples of interactional situations were presented:  a. argumentative episodes made by 5 and 6 year-olds in different types of verbal productions, b. socio-cognitive composition, social-emotional affinity and argumentative episodes in the collaborative comprehension of frequency tables in sixth and seventh grade; c. group composition and argumentation in the resolution of a dilemmatic task, in university students. The argumentative episode that refers to the socio-cognitive situation was used, in which an individual sends a based verbalization as an answer to a question or in opposition to the others pose (conflict). In the three described situations, it was observed that the predominance of argumentative episodes is different: young children tend to produce the first type of arguments (answer to a question) while older persons present type 2 arguments (conflict). For the second type of argumentative episode to occur; the individual needs a group of cognitive skills that are developed throughout life.  As they grow up, the impact made by the social variables of interaction becomes greater.  Our studies highlight the educational value of argumentation due to its dual communicative and social functionality.


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