Relación entre la Inteligencia emocional en entrenadores de elite y la personalidad Grit de taekwondistas estadounidenses
Relationship between emotional intelligence in elite coaches and the Grit personality of American taekwondo athletes
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Introduction: Emotional intelligence and Grit are psychological constructs that have been extensively studied in various fields, including sports. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between coaches' emotional intelligence and athletes' Grit personality and its impact on sports performance. Methodology: A descriptive and cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted on a population of Taekwondo athletes belonging to sports camps associated with the national federation of the United States. The sample consisted of (N=470) participants from various categories. Grit personality was assessed using the Grit Scale, and emotional intelligence was measured using the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT). Results: After correlational analysis using Pearson's r test, positive and negative relationships were identified. The only positive relationship found was between the Grit variable and effort perseverance, suggesting that higher emotional intelligence in coaches is associated with greater effort perseverance in athletes, with a strong positive correlation (p=0.963), but not statistically significant. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study did not find a statistically significant relationship between coaches' emotional intelligence and athletes' Grit personality. While previous research suggests a possible positive influence of coaches' emotional intelligence on athletes' perseverance and determination, the findings of this particular study do not support that relationship.
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