Suicidal Behavior Prevention Programs and Strategies: Prospective reflections
Programas y estrategias de Prevención de la Conducta Suicida: Reflexiones prospectivas
Main Article Content
Suicidal behavior has been classified as a social and public health problem, because it is the first cause of unnatural death in all age groups and generates a health overload of care for suicide attempts, which mostly exceeds completed suicides. The need to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon is latent, that is why this study aimed to describe suicide prevention strategies at the international and national level; pointing out the work pending in reducing suicidal behavior (which encompasses both suicidal ideas, attempts and the death of the person). In order to reflect on the pending work to act on this issue, a search was carried out with the terms suicide, suicidal behavior, suicide prevention and mental health promotion, in databases, electronic journals and government projects. As a result, it is evident that most prevention strategies have an indirect approach to the problem, since they are not aimed at reducing the appearance and prevalence of suicidal behavior, but rather at teaching and raising awareness about the issue. In conclusion, it is found that the protocols for preventing suicidal behavior require, on the one hand, intersectoral and articulated work between health professionals, politicians, the media and society in general and, on the other hand, greater evaluation, evidence-based implementation and adaptation to local reality.
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