Psychometric properties of a scale of attitudes towards scientific research (EACIN): Study in Mexican university students
Propiedades psicométricas de una escala de actitudes hacia la investigación científica (EACIN): Estudio en alumnos universitarios mexicanos
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This study analyses the psychometric properties of the Scale of Attitudes towards Scientific Research (EACIN), aimed at the academic community and proposed by Aldana, Caraballo and Babativa (2016) in Colombia. For this matter, 238 Mexican university students participated. Internal consistency analysis was carried out using Cronbach's alpha test, and construct validity through the application of exploratory factor analysis (N = 115) and confirmatory (N = 123). The results indicate that an empirically sustainable bidimensional measurement model was obtained, consisting of a total of eight items and with the necessary adjustment indexes (X2 = 25.25, CMIN / DF = 1.32, CFI = .96, RMR = .04, RMSEA = .05). Therefore, this scale could be used in Mexican university students. However, it is desirable to continue with this instrument and confirm the results presented and encourage reflection on the assumptions in the field of attitude measurement.