Phubbing, communication and quality couples relationship

Phubbing, comunicación y calidad en la relación de pareja

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María Montero-López Lena, Dra.
Juan Carlos Manríquez Betanzos, Dr.

Cell phone use can lead to the behavior known as phubbing.  It is a phenomenon of the digital age that is defined as the act of ignoring a person while providing attention to the cell phone. Phubbing can cause discomfort in the relationship which can cause conflict and contribute to relational dissatisfaction. It is however a subject scarcely studied in Latin American culture. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between phubbing behavior, technological communication, and the quality of the relationship in Puerto Rican culture. The sample was made up of 215 participants in some type of couple relationship (dating, marriage or living together) with an average age of 33 years. Three scales were applied to measure the proposed variables: technological communication, phubbing and dyadic quality. The data were subjected to various statistical analyses, confirmatory factor analysis, structural model and post-hoc analysis. The results obtained indicate that phubbing is present in the Puerto Rican couple. The findings show that phubbing is positively related to technological communication, while it has a negative effect on the quality of the couple relationship. In contrast, technological communication did not show an effect on the quality of the relationship. The results indicated the existence of generational differences. It is concluded that communication mediated by a cell phone plays a significant role in the context of the Puerto Rican couple, and is an area that is deserving of study in future research.



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