Testing an Ecological Instrument for Executive Functioning Assessment: the Labyrinth App

Puesta a Prueba de una Herramienta Ecológica Para Evaluar el Funcionamiento Ejecutivo: la App Laberinto

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Ana Comesaña
María Virginia Cifuentes
María José Aguilar
Cristian García Bauza

The neuropsychological tests that are traditionally used for pencil-and-paper cognitive assessment and stimulation often have some limitations. Computer-based tasks, in addition to maintaining good reliability and validity, present certain strategies in their construction that overcome the limitations of traditional pencil-and-paper tests. In this sense, those designed in a virtual reality environment are also ecologically valid. Therefore, the aim of this work was to design and test an instrument that assesses some cognitive processes through virtual reality in young adults, with the idea of implementing and using it in the future for both training and cognitive rehabilitation in people of different ages. For this purpose, a descriptive-correlational and cross-sectional design was implemented, developing a software tool called "App Labyrinth" that allows to perform, from its use in different sessions varying the level of complexity, training and cognitive stimulation of young adults and record and store the results of their performance at each opportunity. In this first data collection, adjusted measurements were obtained, thus making it plausible to subsequently test the instrument in cognitive training and rehabilitation. It could be concluded that this test presents an ecological and intuitive design, since it yields indexes based on reaction times and response accuracy. These indices offer a promising measure that, in contrast to those used in traditional neuropsychological tasks, can be considered a more accurate and objective measure of cognitive functions


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