Self-efficacy beliefs, satisfaction and physical health as predictors of Quality of life in Mexican university teachers.

Creencias de autoeficacia, satisfacción y salud física como predictores de la calidad de vida de docentes universitarios mexicanos

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Jesús Alberto García García
Felipe de Jesús Trejo García
Daniella Carrizales Berlanga

This study aims to raise awareness of the incidence of self-efficacy beliefs, satisfaction and physical health on the quality of life of higher education teachers in Mexico. The methodology was observational, transsectional, with descriptive, correlational and predictive scope. Three scales were used, the SF-12 physical health questionnaires, self-efficacy beliefs and teacher satisfaction. The study involved 547 teachers, 58.1% were women and 41.9% men. Results: it was found that they have a good quality of life, a high perception of all dimensions of self-efficacy beliefs: interaction, planning, involvement and evaluation; as well as their teacher satisfaction. The predictor variables of quality of life were beliefs of self-efficacy, physical health and teacher satisfaction. Conclusion: the physical and mental health of teachers are a central component for achieving optimal performance in their work, with beliefs of self-efficacy, their perception of health and satisfaction being the main features of their teaching activity. The foregoing should be considered for the creation of new public policies in education that address the integral health of teachers and in turn improve their professional performance and educational quality.


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