Association between alcohol consumption and impulsivity in college students: influence of sex
Asociación entre el consumo de alcohol y la impulsividad en estudiantes universitarios: influencia del sexo
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Alcohol consumption is a public health problem with negative social consequences including: the development of addictions, diseases, accidents, and premature death. There are different factors that influence alcohol consumption, some social and others biological, including gender and personality traits such as impulsivity. Traditionally, the relationship between alcohol and impulsivity has been studied among dependent drinkers, among whom greater impulsivity has been reported across the board. However, it is unclear whether this relationship is similar among men and women. The present work explores the relationship of gender variables, impulsivity, and alcohol consumption in university students. A total of 255 students (186 females and 69 males) were assessed virtually and answered the UPPS-P and AUDIT questionnaires. A correlation was observed between impulsive behavior and alcohol consumption. However, when dividing the sample by gender, the correlation between impulsivity and alcohol consumption remained only in the female gender. The dimensions of impulsivity seem to be differently related to alcohol consumption in males and females. The present results are directed to consider in future studies and in the design of intervention programs, gender differences linked to impulsivity and its relationship in the consumption, development, and maintenance of addiction.
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