Perceptions and attitudes about Climate Change according to the environmental identity of Cuban people

Percepciones y actitudes sobre el Cambio Climático según la identidad ambiental de personas cubanas

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Amanda Lorenzo-Carreiro
Diana Rosa Rodríguez González
Evelyn Fernández Castillo
Yamila Roque Doval

The study was carried out with the objective of describing perceptions and attitudes about Climate Change according to the particularities of the environmental identity of Cuban people. It had a mixed approach with a descriptive scope and assumed a two-stage sequential explanatory design. The sample in the first quantitative stage consisted of 169 people. The quantitative results were used to guide the definition of a sample guided by theoretical purposes. The sample in the second qualitative stage consisted of 37 participants. A sociodemographic data questionnaire, the Environmental Identity Scale and the discussion group were used for data collection. Quantitative data analysis was performed through descriptive statistical processing. Qualitative data analysis was carried out through thematic content analysis. The results of the quantitative stage made it possible to establish high, medium and low levels of environmental identity in the sample studied. Subjects with a high level of environmental identity showed a proactive attitude and greater individual responsibility towards the search for solutions. Participants with a medium environmental identity placed responsibility in the collective and expressed negative emotions when directly experiencing the effects of environmental problems. Participants with a low environmental identity attributed responsibility for the causes and solutions to governments and institutions, expressed distance and distrust of the problem and did not perceive any effects in the present.

Key Words: Environmental identity; perceptions; attitudes; Climatic Change


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