Regionalization of normative data for the CUMANIN scales in the city of Resistencia (Argentina)

Regionalización de Baremos del CUMANIN para la Ciudad de Resistencia (Argentina)

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Alvaro - Federico Muchiut
Marcos Luis Pietto
Paola Vaccaro
María Belén Sanchez

The present study aimed to establish normative data for the Child Neuropsychological Maturity Questionnaire (CUMANIN) in a cohort of 322 preschool-aged children (163 females) between the ages of 3 to 6 years residing in the city of Resistencia (Chaco, Argentina). The aim was to develop a reliable and valid tool that could be used to evaluate the neuropsychological development of preschoolers in the region. The findings of the study demonstrated that CUMANIN has the ability to differentiate between various age groups and can, therefore, function as a developmental scale, with improved performance outcomes observed as age increases. Moreover, no significant differences were observed between males and females on any of the CUMANIN scales, suggesting that biological sex is not a significant variable influencing performance in the neuropsychological areas assessed by the test. Implementing such a tool is expected to facilitate identifying individual learning needs and targeted intervention planning in educational and clinical contexts.


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Author Biographies / See

Alvaro - Federico Muchiut, Instituto Superior de Neuropsicología - Fundación Centro de Estudios Cognitivos

Rector Instituto Superior de Neuropsicología

Director del departamento de Investigación

María Belén Sanchez, Fundación Centro de Estudios Cognitivos- UEGP 166

Licenciada en Psicología desde 2015, especialista en Psicoterapia Cognitiva Integrativa desde 2020. Ayudante de laboratorio desde 2021 hasta la actualidad.

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