Self-concept clarity, self, psychometric, scale, Mexicans, confirmatory factor analysis

Evidencias confirmatorias de la Escala de Claridad Subjetiva del Autoconcepto (ECSA) en adultos mexicanos

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Alan Ivan Gonzalez Jimarez
Pedro Wolfgang Velasco Matus
Cristian Iván Bonilla Teoyotl

The clarity self-concept is an aspect of the self that has been found to be linked to aspects of well-being and mental health, which is why its study has become increasingly important. The Self-Concept Subjective Clarity Scale (SSCS) is an instrument for which exploratory evidence has been shown regarding its relevance and precision in Mexican adults. The purpose of this study was to obtain confirmatory evidence of validity and reliability of the SSCS through online questionnaires. In total, 424 volunteers from Mexico City and the metropolitan area participated, who answered the instrument through a questionnaire on the Google Forms platform. To achieve the objectives, confirmatory factor analyzes (CFA) were carried out in order to test the model; then, Cronbach's Alpha and McDonald's Omega coefficients were calculated; and, finally, a multigroup AFC was performed. The results showed that the model had an excellent fit to the data, the Alpha and Omega coefficients showed that the scale scores had an adequate internal consistency and, in addition, it was found that there is a complete equivalence in the factorial structure of the ECSA between men and women. In conclusion, the results support the relevance of the SSCS, confirming the model in which it is established that the clarity of the self-concept is made up of certainty, congruence, and stability. Thus, this instrument will allow us to continue with the line of research in Mexico.


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