Affiliation of university students
Afiliación de estudiantes universitarios: un análisis desde la Psicología Cultural Semiótica An analysis based on cultural semiotic psychology
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This article presents a study that aims to comprehend the affiliation to university life. This study utilizes a cultural semiotic psychology perspective theoretical framework. This framework focuses on analyzing human beings' developmental trajectories and meaning-making processes. The data has collected at the end of 2021 through semi-structured interviews. The process of data analysis applies the method of elaboration of thematic categories. As the main results of this study found, university context could catalyze the sensation of non-belonging. From this point of view, the university could reproduce prejudices and discrimination of gender, race, social class, and sexual orientation. In this sense, the study discusses that experience in university life contains a considerable affective aspect that the student experiment in affective semiotic dimension. Finally, the study concludes with the necessity of more research related to the affiliation of university life to contribute to the permanence and assistance of public policies to university students and their psychic suffering.
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