Recognition the Other´s e Perspective: view from the Vygotskyan socio-cultural approach
Reconocimiento de la Perspectiva del Otro: una mirada desde la aproximación sociocultural vygotskiana
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The main objective of this article was to analyze the occurrence of recognizing the other's perspective in preschool children when participating in oral tradition rule games. For this, we review the theoretical-methodological contributions of the Vygostkyan sociocultural perspective about the Recognition of the Other's Perspective (RPO) that allows preschool children to attribute beliefs, desires, emotions, and intentions to themselves and others. In this way, we show the traceability of this Higher Psychological Process (HPP) concerning the emergence of social consciousness in the child during the first year of life. In another way, the communicative acts that imply the use of external language, transitional language, and internal language, the relationship between rule handling and RPO in the participation of preschool children in rule games, are reviewed. The research followed a case study design with the participation of a 6-year-old boy during eight sessions of games with rules typical of her community of origin. The analysis model proposed the triangulation of the hermeneutic, phenomenological, and micro-genetic analysis to establish relationships between the RPO and the management of the rules in the game from different positions of the child. The analysis shows that the RPO progressively demands an awareness of the positioning of the roles in the game based on the rules to permanently update the relationship with others at the inter-psychological and intra-psychological levels.
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