Personality in behavioral disorders in adolescence
Influencia de la inducción del individualismo y el colectivismo en la aceptación y el rechazo de la desigualdad en jóvenes españoles y costarricenses
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Attitudes and behaviors towards economic inequality vary from society to society, but the cross-cultural study of inequality is still in its infancy. Considering this, we conducted an experimental research in two societies, one in Europe (Spain, N = 332, M age = 26.01, SD = 4.47, women = 54.5%) and another in Latin America (Costa Rica, N = 338, M age = 22.23, SD = 3.77, women = 46.4%), with the aim of comparing the way in which the induction of individualistic and collectivistic orientations influences behavior in the face of inequality in the distribution of resources. We found that the induction of individualism and collectivism had no effect on behavior in the face of inequality in Spain, except for one of the distributions in the ultimatum game (7:3). In Costa Rica, we found that the individualistic priming had an effect on a greater rejection of inequality in all the distributions applied. Contrary to expectations, in the Costa Rican sample there was a greater rejection of inequality compared to the Spanish sample. These results suggest that, contrary to expectations, the relatively more collectivist society (Costa Rica) showed a greater rejection of inequality than the more individualistic society (Spain). In addition, these results are not influenced by individualistic priming, since comparing the effects without considering the priming strategy shows a greater rejection of inequality in the Costa Rican sample than in the Spanish sample.
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