Perceptions and attitudes about Climate Change according to the environmental identity of Cuban people
Correlación entre el perfil neuropsicológico y creatividad en una muestra de niños con riesgo de salud mental de la ciudad de Manizales.
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Creativity is an active and integrating process that involves cognitive, sensory-perceptive and emotional processes that develop the ability to resolve situations in a novel, useful and functional way. Creativity can be affected by different factors such as the development of cognitive, affective and behavioral processes. The objective of this study is to identify the correlation between the risk of affective and behavioral symptoms with creativity and the neuropsychological profile in a sample of children and adolescents from the city of Manizales. A cross-sectional and correlational study was carried out, the sample consisted of 48 participants, 45.8% female and 54.2% male, with an average age of 9.5 years, the creative imagination test, the child neuropsychological evaluation were used as evaluation tools. , the TMT A and B, the proration for the WISC-IV and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)-4/18. The results showed that, with the exception of the correlation between TMT B and Total Creativity, all the exposed correlations were positive. Likewise, except for the correlations between Spontaneous Recovery and Narrative Creativity and Verbal Fluency and Narrative Originality where the correlation coefficient was low, the others had a moderate correlation coefficient. The results are discussed in light of the scientific literature on the subject.
Article Details
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