Hospital clown intervention to reduce the perception of pain and anxiety in pediatric oncology patients before lumbar puncture
Intervención del clown hospitalario para la disminución de la percepción del dolor y ansiedad en pacientes de oncología pediátrica antes de la punción lumbar.
Main Article Content
Patients with chronic diseases often face potentially stressful and invasive procedures that are part of their treatment. Hospital clowns have proven to be a good resource for the improvement of psychological and emotional aspects in chronic patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of hospital clowning on anxiety and pain perception in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) before lumbar puncture. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental protocol was designed with the intervention of the hospital clowns. The sample consisted of 17 pediatric patients with ALL between 4 and 16 years of age (M=8.93 and SD=4.11). The participants were evaluated with the Wong-Baker FACES pain scale and the Self-assessment manikin instrument, before and after lumbar puncture without intervention and after approximately 6-8 weeks they were evaluated with the clowns intervention. A repeated measures ANOVA with 2 within-subject factors was performed. The results showed a significant decrease in the levels of pain perception and anxiety in the patients after the intervention. It can be concluded that the hospital clowns intervention can be an effective tool to decrease the levels of pain perception and anxiety in this type of patients. These findings highlight the importance of creating suitable environments in hospital settings, which will be a benefit in the mental health of children with chronic diseases. It highlights the need for further studies adding physiological measures to support these findings in other contexts and with other populations.
Article Details
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