Personality in behavioral disorders in adolescence

Personalidad en los trastornos del comportamiento en la adolescencia

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José Antonio López-Villalobos
María Victoria López-Sánchez

Background: personality is the construct that underlies our way of thinking, feeling and behaving and has a significant influence on psychopathology. In this context, the study of the relationship between personality and behavioral disorders in adolescence is relevant. The main objective of study is to analyze the differences between cases with Conduct Disorders (CD) and a general population (GP) sample in the different personality profiles/prototypes (PPP) derived from the Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory (MACI). A second objective was to study the most parsimonious PRP model capable of predicting CD.

Methodology: to respond to these objectives, an analytical observational design was used and a random sampling of adolescents in GP (n = 461) and consecutive sampling of patients with CD, assessed according to DSM-5 criteria (n = 78) was carried out. The measurement instruments used were the MACI and the Adolescent Symptom Inventory. Results: the Pessimistic, Egocentric, Rebellious, Rude, Oppositional, Self-punitive and Borderline PRP presented a significantly higher mean in CD and the Submissive and Conformist PRP in GP. The most parsimonious PRP model that best predicts CD is shaped by having male sex and the most rude/borderline and least self-punitive PRP. The study offers a new perspective of personality in cases of CD that orients its clinical study, propitiating new lines of research that include personality in the heterogeneity of the disorder.


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José Antonio López-Villalobos, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia

José Antonio López Villalobos has a Doctor in Psychology from the University of Salamanca in the department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatments and a Psychologist Specialist in Clinical Psychology. He is a Clinical Psychologist at the Palencia University Care Complex (CAUPA). Since 1987, responsible for quality and research in teaching at CAUPA and researcher of the recognized LPI group of the University of Valladolid, collaborator in research with the University of Salamanca (USAL) and professor of the master's degree in General Health Psychology at USAL (university contractual figure of collaborating professor and assistant professor doctor). His main line of research focuses on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Behavioral Disorders, Personality Disorders and Anxiety Disorders. He is principal investigator or general investigator in 13 competitive research projects and is the author or co-author of more than 150 publications in scientific journals or book chapters. He has presented more than 200 presentations or communications at scientific conferences or meetings, has 13 research awards and is a reviewer of 10 scientific journals with JCR. Organizer of scientific conferences, member of various psychological/medical associations (Official College of Psychologists - Division of Clinical and Health Psychology, Division of Academic Psychology, Division of Psychotherapy -, Association for the advancement and research in Health Sciences. .//..) and hospital committees (Research Committee, Teaching Commission, Clinical Trials Ethics Committee .//..). He has participated in the development of 10 clinical practice guidelines and presents undergraduate and postgraduate health teaching activity (main resident tutor).  

María Victoria López-Sánchez, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Palencia / Hospital San Telmo (España).




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