Determinants of subjective well-being in Mexican adults during the first period of confinement by Covid-19
Determinantes del Bienestar Subjetivo en Adultos Mexicanos durante el Primer periodo de Confinamiento por Covid-19
Main Article Content
Confinement by Covid-19 has both a negative and positive psychological impact on people, therefore, the relationships between stress, attachment, cultural values (individualism-collectivism) and the possible mediation of resilience are examined with subjective well-being during the initial stage of the pandemic in Mexico, from March to May 2020. Method: With a cross-sectional correlational design, 287 men and women Mexican adults with an age range of 18 to 71 years (M= 35.16, SD= 14.14) participated. Applying online the scales: perceived stress, attachment scale, individualism-collectivism, resilience and for subjective well-being: the life satisfaction and positive-negative affect scales. Results: The analysis showed differential impact according to sex and age range. A path model was applied, which resulted with acceptable adjustment indices, which reveals direct, indirect and total joint effects, therefore the mediator effect of resilience is verified. Conclusions: it is necessary to provide life skills for emotional management that generate greater well-being in the population.
Article Details
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