The Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología (RIP) (ISSN 2027-1786; e-ISSN 2500-6517) is a quarterly publication (January – April; May – August; September – December), available in open access, whose mission is to publish articles with scientific quality, resulting from reflections and research developed in the field of psychology.

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Since 2018, the articles published by the IJP have been arranged for use through a Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.

Alejandro Bejarano Gómez

Editor en Jefe


Institucional Editorial

Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional
The articles published by Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología: Ciencia y Tecnología Journal and their content have been arranged for their widest use through a License:
 Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional

Vol. 17 No. 3 (2024): Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología (RIP)

Relación entre la Inteligencia emocional en entrenadores de elite y la personalidad Grit de taekwondistas estadounidenses

Relationship between emotional intelligence in elite coaches and the Grit personality of American taekwondo athletes

Laurin, Lynda Louise

Article Visits 51 | PDF Visits 47

1-8 |

The The Effects of COVID-19 Work Demands on Mental Health and Work-Family Conflict: The Moderating Role of Supervisor Support

The The Effects of COVID-19 Work Demands on Mental Health and Work-Family Conflict: The Moderating Role of Supervisor Support

Valenzuela , Elisa, Rosario, Ernesto, Zapata, Antonio

Article Visits 43 | PDF Visits 70

Personality in behavioral disorders in adolescence

Personalidad en los trastornos del comportamiento en la adolescencia

López-Villalobos, José Antonio, López-Sánchez, María Victoria , Serrano Pintado, Isabel, Andrés de Llano, Jesús María

Article Visits 122 | PDF Visits 131

25-34 |

Personality in behavioral disorders in adolescence

Influencia de la inducción del individualismo y el colectivismo en la aceptación y el rechazo de la desigualdad en jóvenes españoles y costarricenses

Chaverri Chaves, Pablo, Fernández, Itziar

Article Visits 85 | PDF Visits 38

35-44 |

Psychosocial risks and organizational climate in a public institution of Ambato

Riesgos psicosociales y clima organizacional en una institución pública de Ambato

Jiménez Borja, Byron Esteban , Miranda Flores, Carina Estefania , Lima Rojas, Dayamy

Article Visits 38 | PDF Visits 31

45-53 |

Theoretical foundations of spiritual intelligence: A systematic review

Fundamentos teóricos de la Inteligencia Espiritual: una revisión sistemática

Peñaranda Peña, Dina, Oyarzún Gómez, Denise

Article Visits 69 | PDF Visits 120

55-64 |

Suicidal Behavior Prevention Programs and Strategies: Prospective reflections

Programas y estrategias de Prevención de la Conducta Suicida: Reflexiones prospectivas

Moreno Murcia, Luis Miguel

Article Visits 131 | PDF Visits 120

65-76 |

Argentinian version of the Comprehensive Intellectual Humility Scale: Validation and assessment of psychometric properties.

Versión argentina de la Escala Integral de Humildad Intelectual: Validación y evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas

Santangelo, Pablo Rafael, Conde, Karina, Millaman Rickert, Gabriela Emilia, Lao, Germán Alberto

Article Visits 42 | PDF Visits 30

77-85 |

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